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How Cold Is Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy, a cutting-edge technique used in wellness and medical treatments, is gaining widespread popularity for its myriad health benefits. When people hear about cryotherapy for the first time, they have many questions, but one of the most frequent is, ‘How cold is cryotherapy?’

Cryotherapy involves exposing the body to extremely low temperatures, which can seem daunting at first. Understanding the science and purpose behind these temperatures can demystify the process and highlight why this cold treatment is so effective.

Whole body cryotherapy
Whole body cryotherapy room at resync

Understanding Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy, derived from the Greek words “cryo” (cold) and “therapy” (cure), involves the use of extreme cold to treat various medical conditions and support physical therapy. This cold therapy can be applied locally using ice packs or cold water immersion or to the entire body through methods like whole-body cryotherapy (WBC).

The concept of using cold for therapeutic purposes isn’t new, it dates back to ancient civilisations.

However, modern cryotherapy has evolved significantly. Cryotherapy chambers today mostly utilise liquid nitrogen to achieve optimal temperatures and provide a safe and effective way to experience these benefits firsthand.

How Cold is Cryotherapy?

The temperatures involved in cryotherapy are indeed extreme.

In whole body cryotherapy, the temperature in the cryotherapy chamber can drop to as low as -110°C (-166°F). This is far colder than the temperatures experienced in natural cold environments, such as the Arctic, and even colder than industrial freezers.

To put it in perspective, typical cold water immersion used for pain relief and muscle recovery usually involves temperatures between 10°C (50°F) and 15°C (59°F). Ice packs, another common method, can reach temperatures around 0°C (32°F). Cryotherapy, however, takes cold therapy to an entirely new level, using nitrogen gas to achieve these extremely low temperatures.

The reason for such cold temperatures in cryotherapy treatments is to induce a rapid and intense cooling of the skin surface, which in turn triggers a range of physiological responses. The cold air in the cryotherapy chamber causes blood vessels to constrict, reducing inflammation and numbing pain. This process is particularly beneficial for muscle soreness and injuries, making it a popular choice for athletes and those undergoing physical therapy.

At Resync, our whole body cryotherapy chamber ensures an oxygen-enriching environment while maintaining these extremely low temperatures. This unique setup enhances the safety and effectiveness of the cryotherapy treatment, providing a controlled and comfortable experience for our clients.

Cryotherapy’s ability to use such cold temperatures without causing permanent tissue damage is due to the brief duration of exposure – typically around two to three minutes per session. This sudden and temporary loss of heat is enough to stimulate the body’s healing processes without risking severe frostbite or nerve damage.

2 how cold is cryotherapy?

Benefits of Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy’s effectiveness lies in its ability to harness the power of extreme cold to elicit various health benefits:


Cryotherapy can significantly elevate endorphin levels, leading to an improved mood and reduced stress. The release of endorphins during a cryotherapy session can provide a natural high, making individuals feel rejuvenated and energised. This effect is beneficial not only for everyday health but also for those dealing with chronic pain and stress-related conditions.


One of the standout benefits of cryotherapy is its impact on skin health. The extremely low temperatures help increase cell rejuvenation and collagen production, which can treat skin conditions and reduce the appearance of wrinkles. The cold therapy stimulates healthy new skin growth, tightening the skin and giving it a youthful appearance. This makes cryotherapy a valuable treatment for individuals looking to rejuvenate their skin and combat signs of ageing.


Cryotherapy is renowned for its ability to boost blood circulation and accelerate muscle recovery. By increasing blood flow and reducing muscle temperature, cryotherapy aids in the healing process and alleviates delayed onset muscle soreness. This is particularly beneficial for athletes and individuals who engage in intense exercise, as it helps them recover faster and perform better. The enhanced circulation also helps reduce pain and inflammation, providing relief from conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and other muscle-related injuries.


Regular cryotherapy sessions can strengthen the immune system by promoting cellular survival and decreasing inflammation. The cold treatment helps the body fend off infections and diseases more effectively, making it a valuable addition to any wellness routine. This immune-boosting effect is particularly useful for individuals with poor circulation, chronic pain, or those recovering from illnesses.

Cryotherapy also plays a role in treating more serious medical conditions. For instance, extreme cold temperatures are used in cryosurgery to destroy abnormal tissue, such as skin lesions, warts, and even certain types of cancerous tissues like skin cancer and liver cancer. By freezing and removing abnormal tissue, cryotherapy offers a minimally invasive option for medical treatments.

What to Expect During a Cryotherapy Session at Resync

A cryotherapy session at Resync is designed to be a comfortable and enjoyable experience, despite the extreme cold temperatures.

Here’s what you can expect during your visit:

Upon arrival, you will be guided to our spacious, oxygen-enriching cryotherapy chamber. The chamber is designed to cool the entire body evenly, ensuring that every part of your body benefits from the cold treatment. During the session, which lasts up to three minutes, you can listen to your favourite music to make the experience more pleasant and relaxing.

The temperature in the cryotherapy chamber drops to -110°C, but the exposure is brief and carefully monitored to prevent any risk of severe frostbite or permanent tissue damage. This rapid cooling triggers the body’s natural defence mechanisms, leading to the release of endorphins and an increase in blood circulation.

After the session, you will feel a rush of endorphins and a sense of rejuvenation. Many clients report feeling stronger and more energised, with a noticeable reduction in muscle pain and inflammation.

Experience the Power of Whole Body Cryotherapy

Cryotherapy, with its extremely low temperatures and rapid cooling effects, offers a wide range of health benefits, from pain relief and muscle recovery to improved skin health and immune function.

The drastic drop in skin temperature during a cryotherapy session helps to stimulate blood flow, reduce inflammation, and enhance recovery. While whole body cryotherapy is our specialty, we also offer partial body cryotherapy for targeted treatments.

Whether you’re an athlete looking to boost performance, dealing with chronic pain, or seeking overall wellness, cryotherapy at Resync can help you achieve your health goals by effectively managing your core body temperature.

Book a session today and discover the transformative power of cryotherapy in our advanced cryotherapy chambers.

To book follow the link below or call +971 56 992 8118

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