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Tag: Resync

DSC8391 scaled How Long Do the Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Last?

How Long Do the Effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Last?

Imagine your body as a highly tuned machine that thrives on oxygen. Every cell relies on it to repair, regenerate, and perform at its best. When the body has access to more oxygen than usual, remarkable things can happen. This is exactly what Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) offers, and it’s

Endospheres Therapy Fights Cellulite scaled How Endospheres Therapy Fights Cellulite

How Endospheres Therapy Fights Cellulite

Cellulite is a common skin condition that affects up to 90% of women. It typically appears on areas like the thighs, buttocks, and abdomen, giving the skin a dimpled, uneven texture, often described as “orange peel” or “cottage cheese”. This condition occurs when fat deposits push through the connective tissue

image2 1 Is Oxygen Therapy Safe?

Is Oxygen Therapy Safe?

Oxygen therapy has gained considerable attention in recent years as a powerful treatment option for various medical conditions and wellness goals. From assisting deep sea divers recovering from decompression sickness to aiding individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), the applications of oxygen therapy are vast and varied. However, with

Skype Picture 2024 09 12T10 14 43 509Z Does Lymphatic Drainage Work?

Does Lymphatic Drainage Work?

Lymphatic drainage has gained significant attention in the wellness industry, with many individuals exploring this therapeutic technique for its potential health benefits. However, the critical question remains: Does lymphatic drainage work? This gentle massage therapy is designed to support the lymphatic system, which plays an essential role in maintaining the

how cold is cryotherapy

How Cold Is Cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy, a cutting-edge technique used in wellness and medical treatments, is gaining widespread popularity for its myriad health benefits. When people hear about cryotherapy for the first time, they have many questions, but one of the most frequent is, ‘How cold is cryotherapy?’ Cryotherapy involves exposing the body to extremely

cryotherapy for weight loss

Does Cryotherapy Help with Weight Loss?

Cryotherapy, a treatment involving exposure to extremely cold temperatures, has been gaining popularity for its various health benefits. Among these benefits, its potential to aid in weight loss has sparked considerable interest. But does cryotherapy help with weight loss? Let’s explore the science behind cryotherapy, its benefits, and how it


Create Healthy Habits with Resync This Ramadan

This holy month take a moment to rebalance and create healthy habits for the year ahead.   Ramadan offers the perfect time to reset. Whether you are practising or not, it’s time to take a pause and reflect on your lifestyle. It also provides the ideal opportunity to create new healthy

Resync Romance

Get Ready for Romance with Resync

It’s officially the most romantic month of the year! What better way to celebrate than to head to Resync with your loved ones? From our unique Resync Date Night offer for the whole month of February to our Couples Membership, it’s time to help motivate one another to become your

New Year's Resolutions

Your New Year’s Resolutions with Resync

The new year is officially in full swing. Now, a few days in, you’ll be beginning to know if you’re really going to keep up your resolutions or not. The team at Resync want to ensure this is a yes and has created two new memberships for the year ahead

Resync 30x30 Challenge

Why You Should Join the Resync 30×30 Challenge

It’s time to achieve all your health and fitness goals one treatment at a time. You’ve joined the annual Dubai Fitness Challenge and are exercising for 30 minutes for 30 days straight. At Resync, we want to support you in this challenge by creating one of our own focused on